Monday, October 19, 2009

What the future will bring to Warhammer Old School:

Memoires of Count Sebastian Adolphus of Wissenland, The unvictorious Gouvernor of New Altdorf, New Reikland and Phoenix Island
This was the fellow that led the majority of my defeats. He tried to colonize about 3 islands in multi-player campaigns and barely got a foot-hold in any of them. I actually kept a written record of his exploits, so these I will share with you.

The origin of unvictoriousness
This one will be a short one, it's very simple

The Fixes and Foibles of 6th Edition
Oh yes, I loved 6th, but it was too late.

What you should do when you loose at Warhammer Fantasy... A lot
Option one is simple, stop playing for a while and get internet! That's how... and find the right sites, Portent never taught me anything!

Why you can't rely on War Machines and Flagellants to win you battle, the last thing Count Sebastian the Unvictorious of Wissenland ever told his lieutenants after Shadows of Darkness.

And much, much more I hope.

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